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Warning: This site contains triggering content. Viewer discretion is advised.

This site has no flashing or fast moving images.

This site is a bigot-free zone. Nazi punks fuck off.

Welcome to Nekojiru Udon. I want to make one thing clear: Nekojiru was a piece of shit. She was an abuser and her comics heavily featured racist and anti-Semetic illustrations and storylines. I do not condone her behavior, and it disgusts me that so many Nekojiru enthusiasts refuse to acknowledge it. As much as I despise her as a person, I can't deny that she and her art permanently altered my brain chemistry. So thank you and fuck you, Nekojiru.

Anyways, welcome to my poorly-coded little corner of the Internet. I decided to make this site because I wanted a place where I could be unapologetically me. I don't have many friends, and while I'm okay with that, I sometimes long for some kind of human connection. What better place to seek it than over the Internet, right? Social media has become too invasive and overwhelming to me, so the idea of a place where I could put my thoughts out there for people to see but not directly interact with appealed to me.

During my research on Web 1.0, I spent a lot of time going through Geocities archives. It was very comforting to know that so many strangers would be forever memorialized on the web. I have no idea where those webmasters are now, but wherever they are, I hope they know they are remembered. I hope that 20 years from now, someone will come across this site in an archive somewhere and feel inspired to put their own thoughts out there, just like I did.

For now, this is the only page, but I should have some more up soon. Not sure where to start? My Blog is a library of my thoughts, feelings, and more. Wanna know more about me? Check out the About Me page. Projects is where I talk about my projects, such as story ideas and art. Sometimes I have so much to say about a topic that I make a whole webpage about it under the E-shrine Category. Fun stuff has resources, credits for my assets, and more, uh, fun stuff. Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse, ho ho!


Created: 06.29.2022
Updated: 06.29.2022
Feeling:The current mood of nekojiruudon at

Update Log

06.29.2022 - Nekojiru Udon is online =^. .^= As of right now, it's just the homepage, but I'll be working on the About Me page next.